Mind over Matter

Contributing Factors to Self-Efficacy in Montessori Teachers

Educational Gymnastics

The Effectiveness of Montessori Practical Life Activities in Developing Fine Motor Skills in Kindergartners

Flowers for my Teacher

A visit to Montessori's first Casa dei Bambini in San Lorenzo, Italy.

The Inspired Child

Including art appreciation in the preschool program

The Light of India

A Twinkle in the Eye: Maria Montessori's  Years in India

She Was Ours

Maria Montessori's Barcelona Years

A Montessori Morning

The  3 hour uninterrupted work cycle

The third factor in education: The prepared environment

The Montessori Prepared Environment

Montessori in


Third Year Montessori and Normalization

Retracing all the small steps it took to create an authentic, pure  Montessori school.

Small Steps

Freedom within limits: A Montessori upbringing.

Maria Montessori advocates freedom as an ideal component for the young child; yet, the idea of freedom is a hard concept for most people to understand. The author revisits her own childhood and recognizes how it was build on freedom given and responsibility expected.

Anne Frank: A         Montessori Child

Anne Frank, whose famous personal account of the Holocaust, 'The Diary of a Young Girl' went to a Montessori school as a young child. The author visits the school in Amsterdam, her home, the book shop where the diary was bought and the house in which she hid with her family for 2 years during the war. 

This article explores a unit of study on Van Gogh's three bedrooms in a Montessori Primary classroom.

Van Gogh's Bedroom

Raphael's Madonna della Seggiola

Maria Montessori wrote "Among the pictures in our "Children's Houses in Rome we have hung a copy of Raphael's "Madonna della Seggiola," and this picture we have chosen as the emblem of the "Children's Houses." This article explores the origin behind this famous painting.

Literature plays a very strong role in helping us understand and value not only our own culture but helps us develop positive attitudes towards the culture of others as well. Hence the importance of introducing it as early as possible to the young child.

The Cultured Child

"We'll talk later."

Maria Montessori's year in Laren, Holland (1936-1939).